I am an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Bates College in Maine and an Affiliate Researcher at the University of Glasgow. I am a disease ecologist and marine biologist by training with a keen interest in programming, data science, and the use of novel data sources in research. You can keep up with my data science explorations and science communication in posts. Find out more about my research in projects and my teaching in courses.
RStudio Tidyverse Instructor, 2020
PhD in Ecology and Evolution, 2019
University of Glasgow
MSc in Marine Biology, 2014
Dalhousie University
BSc in Marine Biology, 1st Class, 2011
University of St. Andrews
With generous support from a Henry David Thoreau Faculty Grant I will be launching a new Community-Engaged Data Science program at the College of the Atlantic this spring. The focus of the program for the 2023-2024 academic year is to connect students with local environmental organizations and community partners to analyze regional environmental issues and develop data-driven environmental solutions.
Colorwork knitting provides a wonderful creative template for learning to code and it isn’t the first time that people saw the link between textiles and computers.
Introducing rspatialdata a website that provides a collection of data sources and tutorials on downloading and visualising spatial data using R. The website includes a wide range of datasets including administrative boundaries of countries, Open Street Map data, population, temperature, vegetation, air pollution, and malaria data.
Geocoding the past and current uses of Frenchman Bay from historic and current oral histories
True to my Maine roots, my scientific career started with fish looking at catch intention in the Chilean industrial longline fishery and the reproductive ecology of the female pink cusk-eel, Congrio Dorado!
My masters work with the Ocean Tracking Network focused on grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) as bioprobes.
Afrimapr is a project funded through the Wellcome Open Research Fund that is creating R building blocks and learning resources to make it easier to make data-driven maps in Africa.
Rabies is a deadly viral infection that kills over 50,000 people each year. Mass vaccination can greatly reduce the burden of vaccine-preventable diseases such as rabies, however, there is relatively little scientific guidance as to how long control programmes must operate and how they should be best implemented to achieve elimination.